Pană Radu
Faculty Advisor, representative of UAUIM in PRISPA Association
In PRISPA for multidisciplinary teamwork challenge

Bortnowski Pierre
Project Manager, representative of UPB in PRISPA Association
In PRISPA for change

Mihaescu Oana
Team Member, Assistant Project Manager, representative of UAUIM in PRISPA Association
In PRISPA for rethinking

Găuloiu Catalin
Team Member, Design Coordinator, representative of UPB in PRISPA Association
In PRISPA for team-work

Ghildus Mihnea
Team Member, Communications Advisor
In PRISPA for childhood memories

Pop Adrian
Team Member, Fundraising Responsible
In PRISPA for experience and team work

Badulescu Adina
Team Member, President of PRISPA Association, representative of UAUIM in PRISPA Association
In PRISPA for teamwork spirit

Tanasiev Vladimir
Team Member, representative of UPB in PRISPA Association
In PRISPA for teamwork, challenge, to contribute to the success of the project

Alistar Cristina
In PRISPA for teamwork

Bolohan Anca
Decathlete, Events Manager
In Prispa for an unique experience

Bunduche Inga
In Prispa for communication and experience

Costea Adina
In PRISPA for making theoretical and practical knowledge go together

Hani Vlad
Decathlete, Interior Rendering
In PRISPA for it was destined for me to RENDER victory…

Leca Lucia
Decathlete, Interior Design Coordinator
In PRISPA for the greater good

Mihailescu Adriana
Project Architect
in PRISPA for designing a mobile project

Meleca Maria
In PRISPA for the experience and for meeting new people

Mot Irina
Site Operations Coordinator
In PRISPA for team spirit

Toader-Pasti Andrada
Team Crew
In PRISPA for building a house and complex teamwork

Patrascu Ionut
In PRISPA for experience in my field of study

Paun Raluca
In PRISPA for fun and progress

Mihai Constantin
In PRISPA for a common goal

Popa Elena Marilena
In PRISPA for experience

Potlog Adriana-Valentina
In PRISPA for rising

Prodan Ioana
In PRISPA for challenging experience, teamwork and success of the project

Rotaru Sorina
In PRISPA for teamwork & knowledge exchange

Onescu-Tarbujaru Dorina
Team Member
In PRISPA for a pioneer project in Romanian education

Vica Nicoleta
In PRISPA for design & building

Bucica Adrian Mircea
Electrical Engineer
In PRISPA for team spirit and to do something that makes a difference

Butacu Claudiu
Instrumentation Contact
In PRISPA for taking small steps for me and a giant leap for ROMANIA

Caramangiu Ovidiu
Safety Officer
In PRISPA for working in a complex team

Caraza Catalin
Construction Manager
In PRISPA for something new

Cirlan Mihai-Vlad
Contest Captain
In PRISPA to make the project work!

Constantin Ovidiu
Sponsorship Manager
In PRISPA for eternal glory

Damian Mircea
In PRISPA for the future

Enciu Adrian
Project Engineer
In PRISPA for challenge

Ana-Maria Florescu
Team member, representative of UTCB in PRISPA Association
In PRISPA for freedom

Gabouty Yoann
Team Crew
In PRISPA for multidisciplinary knowledge

Iordache Cristian
Team Crew
In Prispa to promote a brighter future

Raducanu Eduard
In PRISPA for gaining experience in renewable systems, teamwork and challenging tasks

Mocanu Iacob
Safety Officer
In PRISPA to prove that the Romanian team is the best

Moldoveanu Dumitru
In PRISPA for experience, innovation, teamwork and competition

Neagu Ancuta
Team Member
In PRISPA for research, development and innovation

Neculae Adrian Bogdan
Team Crew
In PRISPA for challenge and experience

Timu Octavian
Health & Safety Team Coordinator
In PRISPA for my evolution

Toader-Pasti Mihai
Student Team Leader
In PRISPA for thinking in opposites

Soflete Marius Eremia
Structural Engineer
In PRISPA for building a house
Communicare şi Sponsorizări

Petraru Alexandra
Communication Coordinator
In PRISPA for teamwork challenge, experience

Botezatu Tudor
Team Crew
In PRISPA for going to Madrid

Constantin Ovidiu
Sponsorship Manager
In PRISPA for eternal glory

Croitoru Alexandra
In PRISPA for building adventure

Ionita Alexandru
Team Member, representative of UTCB in PRISPA Association
In PRISPA for challenge

Lego Vlad
Team Crew
In PRISPA for the Sun.

Toader-Pasti Mihai
Student Team Leader
In PRISPA for thinking in opposites