Street Delivery – Jamm’in PRISPA

10th June was one of the most expected days this summer, because it kick-started one of the biggestevents dedicated to the youth of all ages in Bucharest and Timisoara – Street Delivery.
An event thatsummed up most of the popular projects in 2011, Street Delivery Bucharest was the perfect opportunityto illustrate all PRISPA’s advantages, and to talk to a lot of people in comfortable shade, on our prispa.

PRISPA Team built for this event (as it has for AmbientEXPO, too) a full-size prispa on Arthur VeronaStreet, where the event took place.
By far the most popular stand, PRISPA boasted curious visitorsnon-stop, all willing to find out who were the people who built the prispa and what they did. As wehave accustomed all our curious visitors, the team leisurely explained the project to everyone, as we gotmore and more encouragements and surprised looks, amazed at our ambition to build a house “whichyou don’t have to plug in”, and even more amazed at our ambition to build it all in 10 days.
Surprised as they were, we obviously couldn’t let our guests high and dry, we could actually proveour PRISPA can be exclusively sun-powered. Proud of the crown jewels on the roof (a solar panel,courtesy of Solariss), we invited them to behold our teammate Andreea, who was working on a laptop,connected to a battery which was powered by the panel. Disbelievers were kindly invited to rechargetheir phones, or wonder at one light bulb, also powered by the same battery.

Everybody had something to do on our prispa, come rain or sun (in all honesty, PRISPA was extremelypopular when rain came about). For 3 days, from 10th June, to 12th June, the entire duration of theevent, we welcomed our guests with songs, with jam and bread, and with a last-day improvisedfarewell party, typically Romanian, with lots of dancing and alphorn playing.
See you next year!

More photos on facebook/prispa2012.

AmbientEXPO – How we got professionals to trust us!

Not only the youth who had a free weekend feverishly expected the 10th of June: the interior designprofessionals did, too. So we called it a date.

They came at AmbientEXPO fair to see what was goodand new in the field of interior design, and we came to show them. Right at the entrance, visitors couldsee our rather unusual stand, the second PRISPA in Bucharest.


Within the fair, PRISPA did not only get exhibit space, but some 20 minutes of fame too, within theshort conference session organized by the University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu. Alongwith architects and engineers, big names or future big names of the field, PRISPA lit another trailamong the professionals with this presentation.
Boasting more technical details than the last presentations, a stronger, more motivated and moreenthusiastic team, PRISPA recruited new collaboration proposals and another 3 decathlets, whom wenow welcome.

Warmest greetings and salutations from the team! 😉

Scientific Conference Sibiu

Because we’re always in search of new opportunities to let people know what we’redoing, and get invaluable feedback, we were at Sibiu for the Scientific Conference. We received a lot of valuable information, independent of our project, but which is most certainly going to help us from now on, we got the feedback we came for, we exchanged contacts and definitely met a great deal of interesting people.

We arrived at Sibiu late on Friday, we checked in at our friend Ciprian (who’s anarchitect student and a great biker) and we went to explore Sibiu, the European Capitalof Culture 2007. A couple of days before our arrival, Sibiu International TheatreFestival (link) started. Quite frankly, it didn’t have much to do with our project butwe can always find inspiration in places where most people least expect it. Be on thelookout for PRISPA performances! 😉

On Saturday we presented our project at the Conference and saw a lot of otherinteresting projects presented; it took almost all day. The conference took place at theAstra Village Museum from Sibiu (link), one of the biggest in Europe, so, as you canimagine we had inspirational visits to make during the breaks.

Bear with us, because on Sunday we came back to the museum trying to see as muchas we could. (Between us, you’d need a little over a week to see everything there). Oh,we almost forgot. Take a minute to check us out on Facebook and Youtube, to seehow great our decathlets added biking to the contest. (As though 10 contests were notenough. 😀 )

Overall, it was a great experience and we did everything we could hope for. We ‘stole’important ideas for our project, we got feedback and we made friends, we visited Sibiuand participated at Sibiu International Theatre Festival.

As you can see, PRISPA is not just a career oportunity, it is a beautiful experience. You meet incredible people, you make connections, you learn how to work in teams, you become better.

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More photos from Sibiu on Facebook.

PRISPA Interview on

O super-casă făcută de studenții bucureșteni ajunge la Madrid VEZI CUM VA ARĂTA

România participă, cu proiectul PRISPA, pentru prima dată, la concursul Solar Decathlon Europe, competiție internațională, în cadrul căreia, studenții trebuie să construiască o casă prietenoasă cu mediul. În 2012, 30 de studenți ai facultăților din București, care sunt implicați în proiect, vor pleca la Madrid cu locuința ecologică, la care lucrează încă de pe acum.

În iunie 2010, echipa din București făcea primii pași pentru a se califica la competiția internațională Solar Decathlon Europe 2012. După opt luni de lucru la propunerea tehnică, în ianuarie 2011, echipa, care  era compusă, la început, doar din câțiva studenți, masteranzi, doctoranzi, cadre didactice și profesioniști, s-a calificat în etapa finală a competiției.

În prezent, pentru realizarea casei Prispa sunt implicaţi circa 50 de studenți, din mai multe facultăți din București.

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PRISPA Interview on

Casa solara, viitorul in energie si imobiliare – Interviu

Aproximativ 40% din consumul global de energie este realizat de cladirile existente in SUA si UE, potrivit analistilor din piata. Prin urmare, specialistii cauta diverse metode pentru a solutiona aceasta risipa de energie.

Daca te gandesti luna de luna cum iti vei plati factura la curent, acum exista o solutie. Studentii romani ii “invata” pe italieni cum pot construi, in doar 10 zile, o casa solara, eficienta energetic.

O astfel de casa presupune folosirea resurselor energiei solare si a materialelor traditionale precum lemnul, lana sau lutul. Spre deosebire de cladirile moderne, unde costurile cresc pe masura ce constructia ia amploare, ridicarea unei astfel de case solare poate costa o suma mai mare la nivel de proiectare, insa pe masura ce timpul trece, banii vor fi recuperati.

Source [].

TEDx Youth Bucharest 2011

PRISPA marked off yet another event of a long list. This time, PRISPA stayed home, in Romania, and talked about the past challenges and future plans that it encountered while making the project happen.As it would be expected of a youth-powered project, the atmosphere was highly positive, welcomingall the initiatives that were presented there.

As it so happens with most simple things, PRISPA introduced itself in 3 simple steps. As follows, wetouched upon Solar Decathlon Europe, who we are as our presentation movie portrays us, and a timeline of what we have done so far, and what is scheduled for the year to come.

The local press was interested once more in what we have to say, so over the following days,, Antena 1 / Antena 3, and TVR should broadcast and feature our interviews on theirwebsites.

And don’t forget, if you want to hear more on how we want to corroborate the three aspects ofsustainability – economic, ecologic, and social – in order to bring novelty to the Romanian market, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

TEDx Youth Bucharest 2011


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And a small interview

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More photos from the event on Facebook.