Not only the youth who had a free weekend feverishly expected the 10th of June: the interior designprofessionals did, too. So we called it a date.
They came at AmbientEXPO fair to see what was goodand new in the field of interior design, and we came to show them. Right at the entrance, visitors couldsee our rather unusual stand, the second PRISPA in Bucharest.
Within the fair, PRISPA did not only get exhibit space, but some 20 minutes of fame too, within theshort conference session organized by the University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu. Alongwith architects and engineers, big names or future big names of the field, PRISPA lit another trailamong the professionals with this presentation.
Boasting more technical details than the last presentations, a stronger, more motivated and moreenthusiastic team, PRISPA recruited new collaboration proposals and another 3 decathlets, whom wenow welcome.
Warmest greetings and salutations from the team! 😉